Winds of Change

By GotDesign
Many of you have been very supportive of me recently during my current period of unemployment. Until recently, things have not looked particularly good for me. But all of that seems to be changing.

I have just come from an interview. A friend of mine -- from my early days in Louisville -- owns an advertising and design company. Before my recent trip to Mississippi, he took me to lunch and told me he felt I would fit very well with his company. Today, I met with him and his two designers so they could learn a little bit more about me. They confirmed something I already knew about myself -- I'm weird. They didn't expect someone with military service experience to have the creative background that I do. But I am happy to confound them. My friend told me that he would contact me later this week to follow up on this interview. The most encouraging thing about the interview was that they started talking about how I would fit into their workflow.

I want to thank all of my readers who have sent me notes of encouragement and have asked for my resumes to circulate. It means a lot to me that help someone you only know from my online rantings. At this point I would only ask for your prayers concerning this job opportunity. This could be the position that starts me on the career path I've been seeking for years. By God's will, and for his glory, I will get this position. Please pray that this will be so.

Thanks again.

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